Viewing last 25 versions of post by CruFox in topic [Guide] How to find the best available quality of images you want to upload to Furbooru?

The 1% - Hit 1% of Uploads Milestone for a year
Even Worse Kobold -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Tag Master - Exceptionally Good and Proficient Tagger
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Dedicated Lifter  - Uploaded over 5k art pieces
Seedling - Gave the site life with many uploads during its first months
Heavy Lifter -
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

I like tags
**Appendix: Fetching from Twitter direct links if fetching from post url doesn't work*

I will use this image as an example: "[":](

When opening this image in a new tab +__without enlarging the image first+__ the direct url will be this:[bq]

Notice the @`format=@` and @`name=@` fields at the end of the url, they are important.

If you instead first clicked on the image to enlarge it and only +__then+__ opened it via RMB -> open in a new tab you will get a bit different url:


The @`name@` parameter changed from @`small@` to @`4096x4096@`. If high resolution png is available then this will have "format=png" in the url, like it is the case on this post: "[":](

You can check that if first enlarged and then opened in a new tab the @`format=png@` part is already in the url from the start.

I know of those available values for @`name=@` (but there might be more):







Both @`4096x4096@` and @`orig@` will give the best possible resolution even when image is less than 4096px, this value seems to be Twitter upper resolution limit.

If you manually change the @`format=@` value from @`jpg@` to @`png@` even though you didn't get a link with @`png@` from the start then although you will sometimes get a working image, that might +__not be a file of better quality!+__. Resulting file might be (or maybe even always is?) a PNG that has quality identical to JPG (with compression artifacts) but just have a higher file size.
Do not upload such faux PNG files because they are not better than JPG versions then.  

Above is a such an image at 600% zoom. Part of url from first example was manually changed from containing_ @`format=+__jpg+__&name=4096x4096@` "[(link)":]( _*to_* @`format=+__png+__&name=4096x4096@` "[(link)":](, _the file size got over 4 times bigger, the format of downloaded file is PNG but image quality is identical to JPG, there are compression artifacts everywhere. There is no point in using images like that.

Note that changing @`format=@` to @`png@` will +__not work+__ when @`name=orig@` but will work when @`name=4096x4096@`.
No reason given
Edited by CruFox
The 1% - Hit 1% of Uploads Milestone for a year
Even Worse Kobold -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Tag Master - Exceptionally Good and Proficient Tagger
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Dedicated Lifter  - Uploaded over 5k art pieces
Seedling - Gave the site life with many uploads during its first months
Heavy Lifter -
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

I like tags
*Appendix: Fetching from Twitter direct links if fetching from post url doesn't work*

I will use this image as an example: "":

When opening this image in a new tab +without enlarging the image first+ the direct url will be this:[bq][/bq]
Notice the @format=@ and @name=@ fields at the end of the url, they are important.

If you instead first clicked on the image to enlarge it and only +then+ opened it via PPRMB -> open in a new tab you will get a bit different url:
The @name@ parameter changed from @small@ to @4096x4096@. If high resolution png is available then this will have "format=png" in the url, like it is the case on this post: "":

You can check that if first enlarged and then opened in a new tab the @format=png@ part is already in the url from the start.

I know of those available values for @name=@ (but there might be more):

Both @4096x4096@ and @orig@ will give the best possible resolution even when image is less than 4096px, this value seems to be Twitter upper resolution limit.

If you manually change the @format=@ value from @jpg@ to @png@ even though you didn't get a link with @png@ from the start then although you will sometimes get a working image, that might +not be a file of better quality!+. Resulting file might be a PNG that has quality identical to JPG (with compression artifacts) but just have a higher file size.

Above is a such an image at 600% zoom. Part of url from first example was manually changed from containing_ @format=+jpg+&name=4096x4096@ "(link)": _to_ @format=+png+&name=4096x4096@ "(link)":, _the file size got over 4 times bigger, the format of downloaded file is PNG but image quality is identical to JPG, there are compression artifacts everywhere. There is no point in using images like that.

Note that changing @format=@ to @png@ will +not work+ when @name=orig@ but will work when @name=4096x4096@.
No reason given
Edited by CruFox