Have you met the criteria for a brand new badge?! Welcome to Furbooru's badges general!
In here you can request a badge for yourself when you complete the necessary criteria, all badge information will be presented in a dedicated page in the future.
For now:
**1) Artist** - Verified artist:link to a source with public artwork.
**2) Magical Inkwell** - Verified author:tag link to a source with any fanfiction of 2.2k+ words.
**3) I love Tags** - 3000 metadata updates.
**4) I Really Love Tags** - 10000 metadata updates.
**5) Light Weight** - 1000 uploads tied to your account.
**7) Master Lifter** - 20000 uploads tied to your account.
![tiny](https://furrycdn.org/badges/2020/5/8/15888991475991920210941.svg) ![tiny](https://furrycdn.org/badges/2020/5/8/15888991635973950211151.svg) ![tiny](https://furrycdn.org/badges/2020/5/8/15888991768431600211281.svg) ![tiny](https://furrycdn.org/badges/2022/9/5/33a5d186-2d6c-11ed-b5d1-fa163e2903ab.svg)
**8) Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Pieces** - For Patreon Supporters of each tier.
**9) The 1%** - Number of your uploads reached at least 1% of all non-deleted images
Inform which badge you qualify for below!