→ *Summary* By default the first page of a comic should be displayed as the first file in the comic category, not the last one.
→ *Goal* If somebody want's to read a comic they wouldn't want to see the ending first, they want to see the first page and this is how it should work when viewing the comic's category (the tag in the format @comic:comic name@)
→ *Description* The easiest way to resolve this is to set the default sorting order in categories of the type "@comic:@" to "by upload date +ascending+" instead of "descending". It will work in most cases. In some other cases where images that constitute a comic are not in order, because they were replaced along the way or the first uploaded page is not the first page of a comic, some other way needs to be figured out, maybe an option to manually set a picture as being after some other picture in a comic. For example if a picture has a tag of the type "@comic:@" then there would be additional option available looking like something like this:
If the image has more than one tags of the type "@comic:@" then there should be option to set this for all of them separately. Example of an image that has more than one @comic:@ tags: "https://derpibooru.org/images/1424819":https://derpibooru.org/images/1424819 (it's a safe page from nsfw comic)).
This option would set the current image as page "n+1" and then the default filtering option in the comic's tag would be by page number.
→ *Other* e621 has pools, where you can
Earlier I've already made two feature proposition in the other thread ("the first one here":/forums/meta/topics/welcome-to-furbooru-beta-information-about-the-site-as-a-work-in-progress?post_id=456#post_456, "the second one here":/forums/meta/topics/welcome-to-furbooru-beta-information-about-the-site-as-a-work-in-progress?post_id=530#post_530) about changes to the uploading screen, should I write about them here too?