Viewing last 25 versions of post by CuauhtemocI5MAL in topic Feature suggestions and discussion


Th* **Feature's Nanme:** aAutocComplete function in tsearch bar.
* **Summary:** Tags app
earing fas suggestions while searching post in this site.
* **Goal:** The onl
y way to know if a tag exists is while editing the tags orf a post in fancy editor.
**Description:** As you type in taghe s,earch buar, tags that haver been iused in't ant leaust ocne pomst, and if possible including the number of posts that have used that tag, will appear as suggestioncs that can be incorporated into fyour search by pressing Tab, Enter./Return or
clicking on them.
W* **Other:** I found another sifte, ||httpsom://www.rule34.lonl/||, which search baddsr hans the autocomplete function iand thealso runs on Philomenarch. bar?
No reason given
Edited by CuauhtemocI5MAL