Elly Catfox 

You live better than I do and yet you seem to have the least amount of money etc. you've ever had, while I'm probably at the highest I've ever been. You're "broke" but you probably have more capital than I've ever had. You've still got a sizeable plane collection and a truck and a smartwatch and firearms and probably a shitton of other stuff. What the hell do/did you or your family do for a living anyway?
I don't mean to sound like a dick. I like you, but damn I just don't understand this world or its inhabitants sometimes. I mean, I'm not really any crazier than anyone else is. I'm just more obviously neurotic. Doesn't mean I'm any more crazy than someone who'se happy and content. I wish I was happy and content. I wish I was man. Fuck.
I don't mean to sound like a dick. I like you, but damn I just don't understand this world or its inhabitants sometimes. I mean, I'm not really any crazier than anyone else is. I'm just more obviously neurotic. Doesn't mean I'm any more crazy than someone who's