It's possible you are cursed. People curse others all the time. Some curse entire nations and generations of people. All the inhabitants of towns might be cursed by someone who got kicked out of a town, or a bar, or even just had a car accident on a Friday night. Maybe you were cursed by someone's religious text a thousand or two thousand years ago because your ancestors didn't "pray right".
So, if you don't know, assume you are.
But that leaves the question why any curse would be affecting you. Everyone is also blessed. Some are blessed on a daily basis - like, if you live in the USA you're being blessed, en masse, on a daily basis by everything from your currency to your politicians.
So ... why do you think you're cursed? And more importantly, why do you think such a curse would be working?
Because for most people curses and blessings are no more effective or meaningful in their day to day life than which shows they like on Netflix, or which potato chip they prefer.