Viewing last 25 versions of post by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys in topic Vent Thread


Meow meow :3
I think my in-lwwaws are here, even though I wasn't done showing The Lion King to everyone who was already here. Ah well, Anubis and Adrammelech can probably use some time off right now.

King K Rool will have to do for who I suspect dad is. Already using Incineroar for Pazuzu and Meowscarada for Adrammelech, for lack of a Quaquaval figure. I'm assuming Sobek won't mind if I use the gator for someone who's actually a cat, lol. I'm clearly looking for chubby and jovial. Twilight Princess Zelda is the obvious candidate for mom.

Because I basically went to the palace and met the pharaoh. It did not escape my attention, that my gynecological oncologist's office is right next to Torrance Memorial Hospital, the hospital at which I was born and the hospital at which I had my "mental episode". It did not escape my attention, that the place was decorated in many things that echo Ancient Egypt.

The pharaoh said we should go for another ultrasound, so that is what we shall do. When discussing my cysts, he used the term "apples to apples, oranges to oranges", indicating that I am on the right path. Elly was drawn to the root chakra as a means of helping guide me while we figure out how to fix it (I need to have these cysts removed). I still think signs point to a full hysterectomy, as that is what is likely best, but remember: patience is a virtue. Going in guns-blazing and being all "gimme the full hysterectomy, doc!" obviously isn't the way to go about things. While I have been excited about the prospect when typing on here, the obviously correct thing to do is be patient and keep open to the dialogue. I sense that this is a trustworthy and noble pharaoh, not one to be disobeyed. Much unlike Moloch.

Yuuup, my assessment was spot-on. Dad-in-law has criticized Moloch. Mom-in-law is sporting cute fashions presumably designed by Demi. They are Taylor Swift fans >^_^< She has an outfit for every night of this jovial occasion, so I'll do my best to keep up and hopefully catch her outfits each day.

It's kinda nice to know that crows being around means my mother-in-law is around. An actual sign. I saw four of them on my way out of the palace yard.
No reason given
Edited by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys