Viewing last 25 versions of post by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys in topic Vent Thread


Meow meow :3
...Oh boy. Wellllppppp. Good thing I dipped out early and hit the ol' waterfall before I even felt that tired. Because what I have to say may very well take me *hours,* and Roaring and I have a big day tomorrow. And it is finally happening, thank you for assuring me of that, NCIS. But it's only like 8 and 11 or 12 would honestly still offer a solid chunk of sleep.

AND THIS MISSION STOPS. AT. NOTHING. Well it takes a pause if I have something I must leave the house to go do, but that's all part of living my life and keeping me healthy so we win >^_^<

Do you want to know why Gentle Flower is The Girl and why we are going to save the
601 souls of Battery City from Garo? Because OH BOY DO I HAVE ANSWERS. If you don't hate Garo with your very soul, with EVERY FIBER OF YOUR BEING, if you think there is any shred of sympathy to this unholy writhing putrid mass of evil, this vile worm, well. You're about to hate him exactly as much as I do! And be prepared to hate me being right about literally everything. Because you are not going to enjoy some of the answers I have.

601 sounds pretty huge
, doesn't it? But that's the number that popped up for me on the scale at the hospital. What the hell, right? If you saw my selfie from yesterday, obviously I'm not fat enough to be 601 pounds. Not thin enough to be 60.1, or I'd be dead. Well, it was 60.1, when I was talking to Super Nova, I worked out that that was my weight in *kilograms.* Very... bizarre, to happen on an American scale.

But, *think about it.* Of myself, Whatsername, and Flower, who is being victimized by Garo? All three of us. I would love nothing more than to be spending time actually, directly communicating with Whatsername, and getting to know Flower. But, I'm kinda glad my social anxiety made me not try too much of that if she had to pay just to be able to reply to me. I think I left her alone pretty well. Or maybe that's not the case at all on Facebook. I'm not sure, but either way, me leaving her alone overwhelmed her less. But I'm not overwhelming, she was/is being overwhelmed in general. We all know who the overwhelming one is. And so, how about everyone else in his Discord? Probably not 601 people, but what about the lovers, friends, and family of those people who don't get to spend time with them because of him. I don't think it's far-fetched to say that that's the total number.

So, do you guys remember some of the stuff I said? Cuz I sure do! When the noise settled down outside my house, obviously I didn't think it was an apparition of Whatsername and thought she was actually there. I saw her standing outside my house in camo, blending in with the bush I have. For 7 hours. Oh boy are you going to hate what's been happening to Flower for _7 hours._ That's also how long Korse would pass out in the shower for. During my "psychotic episode", I did put those two together.

Remember what I said as anon in this thread around that time? The stuff that got me banned and such? This website kept popping up on my phone and, naturally, I thought Whatsername had hacked into my phone. My laptop and phone had been acting fucky wucky for days and days. That's why I told her to come back, I thought she was probably still in the area if she was able to fuck with my stuff.

Also that's why I sent you those angry texts when I looked for you at the park. When I thought you were physically here, after the noise stopped I went out to try to find you. To try to talk to you. I followed a couple people walking dogs with numbers on their shirt for a bit, but they just went to the park and walked around and stuff. Yes, Whatsername, I followed the numbers. The park I would sneak off to, to give you a ring on the phone. That's why I got mad, you're outside my house and I'm hearing meowing and barking and then you're nowhere, and refuse to meet me at the park where it's safe? We know the answer now.

But yeah, this website following me around, that's why I got LIVID at Whatsername and told her to leave me the fuck alone. She posted the word "rape" on here, and I took that as a threat. I said, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T RAPE ME but come back here so you can get your ass the fuck out of my computer and phone and give me my goddamn freedom back.

It's neither of our faults. We were being controlled by a higher power.


But hang on, don't his Wigglies have to pay just to get a hug? If most people barely get any actual time with Garo, why would Flower be raped by him for *7 hours?*

She is his primary.

She's like me, willing to sacrifice a ton of time for people. She's like Korse, no, she's not. My S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W is a bad person, Flower isn't. Flower is stuck in the web of manipulation and unable to free herself. It's what abusers do. They're nice and chill at first and slowly, little by little, they devour you until there is nothing left. It's slow, subtle, and they guilt trip you and everything. I should know, my ex Anthony would keep me on the phone for hours and hours and when I ran out of things to talk about and wasn't getting to keep up with my YouTube videos, I told him I need some time off and he got all upset and guilt tripped me. I know how people like this operate.

So, what's probably been happening, is the way I feel about Whatsername, Whatsername feels about Flower. Longs for her, wants to spend time with her and everything. And I bet Flower has said a lot of times, "I'm sorry, I'm busy with my primary" and such. And that has to hurt to the goddamn motherfucking core, to wonder whether you're being strung along.

Oh I know how it feels. Felt that way a good bit with Whatsername, but more, that was Foxy and Bongwater. They're good now, but of course it has caused Foxy pain that she can't be online all that often. A whole lotta pain. And hey what do you know, I wondered if Bongwater was stuck in Garo's cult and I think went on and on about it to Foxy.

So, how we stop Garo is we take his primary from him. If we can get her away from him and get her to tell him to stop, change his ways, that's how we win. That's how everyone wins! Even he gets mercy after *everything.*

Welcome to your new primary, Flower. It me. Welcome to the chaos cule of consent. I talk on my terms. Everyone else talx on their own terms. No more 7 hours of rape. No more 7 hours of misery and pain. Or hell, she can even go be somewhere else if she really wants, but I'm down to protect her for the rest of my days if she wants to stay. Fun and support on our own terms, compromises wherever needed and all :3 Communication. I'm kinda good at that lol.

What if this is also how we change my mom? Roaring sometimes goes on about how all trans people or all furries are rapist pedophiles. What if we take down perhaps the *biggest possible one,* while still showing even him mercy, and what if. What if, someday, Whatsername and Flower tell this entire story to my mom. Of course, they'd have to be able to speak themselves as well. Until then, no matter how long it takes, I will be here speaking for them and thinking and listening 💚💛🩷
No reason given
Edited by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys