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Meow meow :3
Killjoys comin atcha live from Los Gatos. Your cat couldn't nap, but I know laying there with my eyes closed for a while is still helpful. Roaring continued her NCIS marathon cuz I've never complained about her watching showz when I'm trying to nap on my couch. And I am rewarded with wisdoms. This is gonna be a long one so strap in.

I know what's wrong with every S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W. Well I didn't gain knowledge about Garo but I don't think I needed to. We're gonna talk about all the other ones. Korse, Super Nova, and Angel.

Korse is my S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W. Their biggest issue is their abusive father. I should know, I went through pretty much the same thing. Except their father is worse than mine, a real father of all motherfuckers. Had tons of money but refused to help Korse out. Korse literally set fire to their father's clothes once.

They are doing the same thing I used to do. They are self-abusing by fucking random men. I did that in high school and then after that it was the abusive relationships. I got a calling one day to go to college and it got me out. Cactus got me out. That's where I met him. Korse is still stuck in that lifestyle. They have been demoted to a Drac. They were looking for help with their sleep issues. I know narcolepsy was one, insomnia might have been another. They have an abusive hypnotherapist causing them to do things they wouldn't normally do. Hypno homicide, as the episode put it.

She turned tricks in high school too, for food because she had no lunch money. Which that wealthy father of hers refused to help with. And of course, with Whatsername keeping me blocked on Facebook, that got me thinking about who ends up blocked and the *whys.* There's this dude called Viktor that Korse sent me an image of in his underwear once. And it triggered the fuck out of me because it violated both my consent and his. I had, what, called him cute? Way not cool. When I finally told him about it, he said he didn't mind cuz he doesn't put anything out there he's not comfortable with people seeing. In fairness, it wasn't too bad. A tank top and boxers. But I could *feel the lack of consent.*

But the thing that made me fucking DONE with him, was I posted a status about how being a cop isn't a real profession, but being a sex worker is. He laugh reacted. Fucking mocked an important core belief of mine when he could have ignored it if he disagreed. I asked for clarification as to what he meant by the laugh react, and it was indeed that. And I told Korse about it. How I don't like people who don't view sex work as valid because of My Past™️. Because they're more likely to judge and slutshame me for it. Korse has also had bad experiences with the piggies. Korse said it didn't sound like they'd be able to convince Viktor and I told her to let him go. I thought she kinda implied that she did?

I blocked him. But of course, guess what your all-seeing cat knows. Not like I don't have a second Facebook account. Not like I don't get curious and follow. He's unblocked. She's *still* letting a bad person in her life.

They're like me. They try to help people. But they don't give themself the necessary cutoff that I do. What is the *only* reason I will cut someone off? They are abusive to me and there is no good left to come of the relationship. She will literally let people rape her and not rid herself of such pestilence.

And maybe, somewhere in that fucked up heart, they did really love me. Maybe they hoped I'd open my asshole up too with them. But too bad, motherfucker. You're ass is on its own now. Mine was raped and it's where I store that trauma, and I had tried it many times in the past and it never felt good. You are OUT if you're not gonna respect that. I don't know why that became such a sticking point when there's literally the better hole right next door. But whatever.

Cactus was always looking out for me, though. It boggled my mind why *Cancer* of all songs would play on Korse's radio. You're gonna play *that song* on a radio when people are *driving*? That song will fucking rip your heart to shreds and that's not exactly the safest thing behind the wheel.

Super Nova is his own S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W. Actually, no. He's Cactus'. He killed Cactus and all of Cactus' friends. Not literally, the bodies are alive. But the friendships. They couldn't handle Super Nova's mental health issues. I was *right* that Cactus just could not handle moving that far away from me. He spiraled. He is in a duel with himself and it put the Draculoid mask on his head. Everyone around him turned into insects in his mind and he cut almost everyone off. Super Nova has physical health issues too that have been causing serious problems. *Killing him.* Cactus was so out of it and underweight when he brought me the SPG shirt and beanie for Christmas. And feels guilty that he couldn't get me more for Christmas, he said as much when we were at Target buying me an Eeveelutions shirt with money Roaring gave me >^_^< He just didn't have money and didn't have the good mental health to hold a job.

But there is a lot of hope. When I said I'd date him again in a heartbeat if he ever wanted to, he did say he wants to take me up to AZ. Then I said we couldn't anytime soon because I have a ton of appointments, and then it's summer up there and well, like Badheart said it's so hot outside you’ll shit your pants! It got really hot here in Los Gatos a couple summers ago, and I felt ill. So idk about AZ in the summer. And it doesn't cool off till like November. So purrhaps another Trans Dinosaur Christmas. We will be doing a see about that when it's almost Christmas. Proud of myself and Ekho for looking out for him through all this time. Super Nova even pushes Ekho away but we are united in our fight to keep him alive. Ekho's my sibling, nyan-binary transfem >^_^<

One connection I also found interesting is Cactus was always underweight as a kid. The episode talked about a kid who was always skinny and had the nickname "scarecrow". He is his own S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W. And when did he fully leave an angry and hateful purrsonality named Rox behind and become Cactus? When he started dating me.

Onto the next episode of NCIS, yes that was all just one episode and I am writing an entire novel today. Yes we are going onto episode 2 so here cometh yet more noiseth.

Did you know there's a character on NCIS named Elly? Wanna know the phrase that was said in this episode featuring many a doggo? Do you wanna know who the german shepherd in that female cover of Jesus of Suburbia is? Breed mentioned!

"Elly's S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W"

I'm gonna call... her? Well the character is female so we'll use she/her, Angel. ANGEL. DOGS. ANOTHER CONNECTION JUST MADE. There's two characters named Angel I'll show you the other one.

So, from the sound of things, Angel's been in and out of prison, got into fights in there. Came at Elly with a makeshift knife of some kind, and that's why Elly blocked her on Facebook. She is running and hiding her body from her S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W. But of course I'm well aware I'm not the only one on there with a backup account with a cat pfp.

I'm not sure if people are currently coming after Angel and she needs to literally go get a pet dog for protection or if we're the dogs or both.

Thing about Angel is, the only thing she's guilty of is lying. We have to find the truth somehow. But she's innocent of an awful lot. Honestly I think I'll just type the rest of my notes verbatim, all based on lines said in the episode.

"Angel framed for stuff. We have to bring this family back together safely. We must love forgive Angel. The new baby is going to turn her life around (editor's addition: immaculate conception, motherfuckers! >^_^<) Wronged by the system so many times spent time in prison for literally nothing. Angel tried to protect her kid not harm. Were/are there inmate phone calls Elly can listen to? Weather's looking clear. We have to prove her innocence. She has lied about things and we have to find the truth. Nobody matters more to Angel than Elly. 25 years of friendship. Have faith in her. We can't give up on her ever. And we will be looking out for her kid as best we can. I will keep you safe, Elly." 🩷💚

Cancer and Kill All Your Friends and Whatsername's version of Scrow Today 4 U MT reminder but wait there's more time for a huge music dump

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Edited by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys