Viewing last 25 versions of post by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys in topic Vent Thread


Meow meow :3
Well holy shit, today I find myself on the path towards making a new friend who has fibromyalgia. Dude I didn't even expect to make a friend like myself when I vented about chronic fatigue. That's just me being a Lucky Cat I suppose.

So, despite everything, I'm accomplishing my goals.

Build an army of friends: Already accomplished, but shall hopefully grow by 1.

Help people: She's someone I can help :3

Stay single and fFocus on healing: That's going well all things considered, I'd say.

Be a cat dad: Meow.

Go on the quests the wise old man sends me on: Will do lol :3
No reason given
Edited by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys