Viewing last 25 versions of post by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys in topic Vent Thread


Meow meow :3
Man I'm sorry for posting so much but I was almost feeling better again and the kittens being sick just...

It's like, damn. God fucking damn. I lose the relationship I was in for over a decade. I'm backstabbed by the other one who was otherwise there for me so often and helpful with so many things. Breakup with the third one was honestly not too bad but not like it didn't hurt at all... And then the ensuing spiral fucks everything up on here and even though I've fixed things it's still kinda the fact it happened at all... And now the kittens falling this ill...

It's like, fuck. How much pain can one heart take? I just want these guys to go to good homes because at least the silver lining is they can make other people happy.

I just feel like such a failure. Or crazy. Or both.

And I know I know, gotta practice what I preach and fight through my depression and stay alive. I will. I always have.

This is just so much pain.

Edit: We did buy medicine by the way. We’re giving it to the kittens. Just no idea if it’ll work
No reason given
Edited by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys