Viewing last 25 versions of post by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys in topic Vent Thread


Meow meow :3
Having a struggle night myself tonight. I suppose it makes sense that these will come up from time to time. Recovery isn't linear when it comes to mental health stuff.

Also noticed I'm having some aggression issues. My cats and kittens have all been sick with what I assume is conjunctivitis, and aggression is definitely an early sign for me that I'll get sick if I take more chemo. I'll have to skip some doses and be careful. Can't get sick when I have appointments coming up, especially my return to the dentist to get my cavity filled. I shouldn't be contagious - conjunctivitis has an extremely low rate of passing from cats to humans, to the point my mom has never caught it. I only catch it because I'm immunocompromised. And of course, I'll wear my mask to my non-dental appointments. Pretty moot to wear it to the dentist though, heh.

It's already 2am here. Not too much longer to go tonight, and my energy level is decent so I might go walk once I make it to morning. Bless the kitten who refuses to sleep anywhere but right next to my hip - he's being a good help ♡

Edit: Nah, feeling too tired for a walk :<
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Edited by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys