Meow meow :3
Hhanndss shshakkyy bbarellyy hanngiingg onn eeeyeess swellingg soo muchc cry cry cry cry cryiinngg Ii ththtiinkk I'mm finnallyy sstaartitng callm downn a litttlle i'lll kkeppepe workkinng oon mmmyy aarrtt pproojecctt thouughh Ii dodon''t knnooww thatt it''ss sosmemthging i'lll eenndd upp possstingg onn heeeeree itt'sss vveryy nottt furrryy anndd it''ss proobabblyyy gonnaa ttaakeke a loonng tiimee forr mee to fifinish
Eedit: Beeing ccreativee isn''t eenough i am lossing my mindd hahahahaha i am soo lonelyy thankk goodness myy wifee contacted me jusstt as i was getting the feeling that i'm gonna struggle tonight it might bee one of very few times i don't go through pain this deep alone hahahahaa alwayss so alone haha trappedd in myy house like a cage trapped in closetzz people are like usually not here for mee in my deepest pain i'mm going to go through a lot of loss very soon and because of it my mind has snapped tonightt hahahahah
Eedit: Beeing ccreativee isn''t eenough i am lossing my mindd hahahahaha i am soo lonelyy thankk goodness myy wifee contacted me jusstt as i was getting the feeling that i'm gonna struggle tonight it might bee one of very few times i don't go through pain this deep alone hahahahaa alwayss so alone haha trappedd in myy house like a cage trapped in closetzz people are like usually not here for mee in my deepest pain i'mm going to go through a lot of loss very soon and because of it my mind has snapped tonightt hahahahah