Elly Catfox 

Tear gas doesn't work on a gas mask and bullets don't work on NIJ Level IIIA steel plate armor.
I ran 32 miles in the last 8 days, many with heavy shit on my back. I also poured concrete, worked the garden, foraged yellow sweet clover, chicory, cat's ear, and nodding thistle, canned honey oranges, ||deepthroated and fucked|| a 7 inch dildo, and generally kicked fucking ass.
There's nothing anyone can throw at me that's going to stop me from being who I am, doing whatever I want with my body, and loving whoever I want to love. Every time you scream at me in the street it makes me stronger and every breath I take without your permission raises my self esteem.
I ran 32 miles in the last 8 days, many with heavy shit on my back. I also poured concrete, worked the garden, foraged yellow sweet clover, chicory, cat's ear, and nodding thistle, canned honey oranges, ||deepthroated and fucked|| a 7 inch dildo, and generally kicked fucking ass.
There's nothing anyone can throw at me that's going to stop me from being who I am, doing whatever I want with my body, and loving whoever I want to love. Every time you scream at me in the street it makes me stronger and every breath I take without your permission raises my self esteem.