
A broken fool
Roughly a week ago, Google spontaneously disabled my account, including Gmail, Drive, Photos, and YouTube, and it seems likely that all my stuff associated with Google's services are gone: all my photographs backed up on Photos; all my documents on Drive; all my contacts and emails on Gmail; all my animations on YouTube, all f**king gone just like that.
And It's not just just Google's services I've lost, but it's things tied to my (Gmail) account that's affected as well. I've had to go into a kind of damage control, trying to update all of my online accounts to my new Yahoo Mail. Most I've been successful, but others are questionable. I might even have a chance to lose my job because of Google f**king me over like this.
All this because they claimed I majorly violated some poilcy agreement, whichever that f**king is. To say I am unhappy over this is...an understatment.
All this because they claimed I majorly violated some poilcy agreement, whichever that f**king is. To say I am unhappy over this is...an understatment.