Elly Catfox 

"[@Anonymous #747C":](/forums/dis/topics/vent-thread?post_id=17872#post_17872
Well, I'm just saying like, one or the other people. Either you care more about freedom than you do about what the law says, or you care more about what the law says than you do about freedom. Don't pretend to be all about the law and then go break the law. If you disagree with laws and you're willing to break them, then don't tell people you're the law and order type. I'm not saying whether or not we need more "law and order" or whether or not the mask orders are good laws. If you break laws you disagree with, now you're a criminal too. Does that mean you're a bad person? No, but that's just it, maybe they should realize that crime and what makes a person "bad" or "good" is a lot fucking more nuanced than these people think. I've seen too many, "criminals aren't people" comments and "criminals should all be locked away or shot" comments everywhere lately, but that kind of black and white thinking is fucking dangerous. Half the people making those comments are surely already criminals themselves and they don't even think of themselves that way. Jesus Christ.
Well, I'm just saying like, one or the other people. Either you care more about freedom than you do about what the law says, or you care more about what the law says than you do about freedom. Don't pretend to be all about the law and then go break the law. If you disagree with laws and you're willing to break them, then don't tell people you're the law and order type. I'm not saying whether or not we need more "law and order" or whether or not the mask orders are good laws. If you break laws you disagree with, now you're a criminal too. Does that mean you're a bad person? No, but that's just it, maybe they should realize that crime and what makes a person "bad" or "good" is a lot fucking more nuanced than these people think. I've seen too many, "criminals aren't people" comments and "criminals should all be locked away or shot" comments everywhere lately, but that kind of black and white thinking is fucking dangerous. Half the people making those comments are surely already criminals themselves and they don't even think of themselves that way. Jesus Christ.