Elly Catfox
I don't know if that's a gang sign or a football thing or what, but it's the stupidest-looking one I've ever seen, whatever it is. Also that anime character is not doing the same thing. It's very important that you do the exact same thing when you make hand signs or else you're doing something completely different. The thumbs can't be pointing down or backwards if they're supposed to be up.
It's like at school one time, back in my autism-dominated youth, I was doing this code for "we want McDonald's" whenever my buddy and I were gonna sneak out of school and go to the McDonald's down the street. But it just so happened to essentially be the opposite of throwing up Westside, so it looked we were throwing *down* Westside- disrespectin'- to an observer.
Nowadays I'm surprisingly street smart for an aspie. I remember this one time I had to do cocaine cause I ran into some old friends of mine and started hanging out, but they had changed. They started showing me their guns, cuban cigars (back before they were legal), and all their drugs they were moving and synthesizing and shit, and of course that meant they had to make me part of it so that I can't rat on em. So here I am in my head like, "oh fuck I really don't want to do cocaine." But if you're smart you can just tell when you're supposed to play shit cool, when you're just dealing with with hood shit. It's like if you've ever seen Better Call Saul, you can be white and nerdy af but if you start dealing with certain kinds of people you cut that shit out for the time being, don't listen to your stupid music and drive a big flashy yellow car. You chill out and roll like they do. You're in their territory, in their game, so you shape up and act like it. When in rome, do as the romans do.
I don't know if that's a gang sign or a football thing or what, but it's the stupidest-looking one I've ever seen, whatever it is. Also that anime character is not doing the same thing. It's very important that you do the exact same thing when you make hand signs or else you're doing something completely different. The thumbs can't be pointing down or backwards if they're supposed to be up.
It's like at school one time, back in my autism-dominated youth, I was doing this code for "we want McDonald's" whenever my buddy and I were gonna sneak out of school and go to the McDonald's down the street. But it just so happened to essentially be the opposite of throwing up Westside, so it looked we were throwing *down* Westside- disrespectin'- to an observer.
Nowadays I'm surprisingly street smart for an aspie. I remember this one time I had to do cocaine cause I ran into some old friends of mine and started hanging out, but they had changed. They started showing me their guns, cuban cigars (back before they were legal), and all their drugs they were moving and synthesizing