Viewing last 25 versions of post by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys in topic Culture, Spirituality, and Personal Journeys Chat


Meow meow :3
Hecate fax ya boi only just learned:

Hecate is often worshipped in Wiccan and Pagan rituals, so I’ve technically dipped my toe into those religions by doing her write-up. Based.

Hecate is known as the triple goddess, so I’m most likely right about the two husbands thing, or at least two main husbands cuz idk how the ancient ones didn’t feel polysaturated with how many spouses they’re often claimed to have had. I wonder if most of that was just attempts at making them look cooler, lol.

She is the goddess of The Divine Feminine, and who took notice of the increased amount of women and feminine energy that has been going on this year? Why, that was me >^_^<

It was Hecate who cursed my house and made me see and hear things back in March. She is associated with dogs and, when I went out to look for the people I saw in the apparitions, it was people walking dogs with numbers on their shirts that I followed, only to find none of the actual people from the apparitions outside. That also explains the humanlike meowing and barking I heard. Bastet was likely there too. Also also explains my phone and old laptop acting up in the ways they did. A key thing to keep in mind, the curse ended up leading to way more good, such as learning about my vitamin deficiencies and obtaining my antidepressants.

She is followed by the spirits of the restless dead so, you know, the grandmas and Cactus and everyone else who likes to come along and make friends with me >^_^<

Sounds like Hecate has quite the storied history with other ancient ones, so it might have been her who has been bringing these mostly-dudes along, nya ::3 Helping me grow the friend army!

Here is my [sauce!](
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Edited by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys