Meow meow :3
Demon #4: Hecate - The Great Umbra Witch and Cool Rich Aunt (or Mom)

Okay so, I understand now how I managed to invoke Hecate all those years ago. Her favourite food is garlic, which I had begun eating as a science experiment when I read that mosquitoes don't like it. She also has power through music, and well, guess what I do when I go out for my walx? The iPod That Never Dies™️ always provides >^_^<
In terms of purrsonality, she's basically your dorky-which-makes-her-cool aunt, as well as an avant-garde fashionista. Please excuse that this is from something political, I'm just not sure that words can really quite capture Hecate's purrsonality, so if you still don't get it, she's [like this.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/V-ddQF3Y1hI) I really can't stress enough how demons are really just big goobers deep down. I think they often appear to people in more threatening forms than they actually are, to keep up appearances. But I am able to see their true forms, and we'll get into the whys and hows of these things with later entries.
Hecate is Bastet's best friend and companion, and the two are likely the most powerful entities one can work with. Both have been close allies of mine for quite some time. I've had the friendliest of cats come and curl up on my lap when I've never petted them before - even one that was said to be shy around strangers. And the frequent crows and occasional raven against a powerful stillness in the air. Bastet is more cool-headed, while Hecate is more take-charge and yandere. The Jeanne to Bayonetta. Hecate also cares deeply for me, despite not truly being my mother. I am loved as a son anyway >^_^<
She has kids of her own, of course. I am still learning, to the point these write-ups could probably be considered incomplete, but whatever lol. But thus far, I know that her daughters are Lilith and Morrigan. I will provide updated information if I learn of more siblings. Such a way of thinking pleases Hecate - she is a woman of alchemy and the scientific method, even if her outward purrsonality may not seem like it. And the thing about scientists is, we put out the information we learn as we learn it. We aren't afraid to be wrong; we will simply correct ourselves later.
Being a woman of high, albeit chaotic, fashion, Hecate is obviously close friends with Adrammelech, and admires him greatly. Her sense of fashion is very out there - she's not afraid to get experimental and kooky! Hecate is most closely associated with birds - particularly, corvids such as crows and ravens. They are some of the most intelligent bird species, so if your intelligence is remarkably high, it is possible that you are related to Hecate. Though, as we'll come to learn, great intelligence comes not just from Hecate, but from her two husbands, Purrson and Solomon. A child of all three will possess incredibly high intelligence, scientific aptitude, and quick wit. A child of Hecate is also highly likely to be drawn to aviation - the want for flight may at times be overwhelming.
Hecate woke me up one day a month or so ago - I was on a good sleep schedule for accompanying my mom to the market, and Hecate was clearly excited to check it out. Crows gathered outside and cawed loudly - something they haven't done since. She got to check our local supermarket out, as well as see that there is a smoke shop not far from my house, as my mom was drawn to stop there and buy cigarettes. My reward has indeed come, not only in some lucky finds at that market, but, my mom has begun talking to a woman there. Cute, of course black because we are on this black parade, and only a couple years younger than me. So, not only is she here to help soften my racist mother's heart, but, as I have been recently told, "Multiple relationship paths will open up to you." I have yet to speak to her, since I haven't been on a good sleep schedule for the market for a while, but that is a possible option for the future - complete with decently-paying job >^_^< But obviously, the thing to do will be to act as though I know none of this, and just act naturally. As I always say, patience is the #1 key. I don't know if a future path I would like to set into motion might take years.
A good example of such would be the future vision I had of Cactus, his family, and I all at Disneyland. Obviously, that's a path I want to choose. I saw it around mid-2022. Since then, Cactus has died, and I have not been in contact with his family as much as a result. However, both Super Nova and his/Cactus' mom have expressed that they miss me greatly, and part of my plans for Trans Dinosaur Christmas 2 involve taking Super Nova and his boyfriend on a date to see Mufasa, assuming he'd like to come along. I tell this not to give a relationships update, but to inform that I haven taken a step towards achieving a future path I'd like to bring about. It provides an example of one that may yet take years, but we'll see if I accomplish this goal >^_^<
I would advise anyone who may feel a strong connection to Hecate to try befriending corvids - they can be trained to help you out! I will be working closely with her, particularly next month, when she will be at her strongest ::3 Working with her grants you greater magical power, including the power to curse your foes, so use it wisely. You don't want to go around cursing people much, as it may displease the ancient ones and generate bad karma for yourself. I'd advise you to get to know Hecate first and make sure you both agree upon who to curse.
Hecate also has a strong association with wolves - using them to protect both herself, and those she cares most about. And of course she's a seductress - the ancient ones were very open with sexuality, nya ::3
Species: Probably another winged lioness, in alliance with Bastet and Pazuzu, but began as an anthro raven.
Most accurate depictions of Hecate in popular culture: [Persona 5,](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DsKPmwdU4AACG9_?format=jpg&name=large) [Shin Megami Tensei 2, showing I'm right about the Bastet connection,](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/b/b3/SMT_II_Hecate.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20240502080532) Jeanne from the Bayonetta series, [Smite 2,](https://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/1745851287474774016/pu/img/xTaIkrgDrbRwudGc.jpg:large), Cruella De Vil, Zelda from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess specifically, Kala from Tarzan (1999), Raksha from The Jungle Book (2016), Bombalurina from Cats, Pokemon #198: Murkrow
Songs featuring Hecate:
[You'll Be In My Heart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpFqoE0Dco8)
[Cruella De Vil (fanmade music video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be83GtXd9wY)
[Bad Romance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrO4YZeyl0I)
[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAwwQ7dTjRY)
[Moon River,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnNgx-PX7Kc) a song about Bastet and Hecate's friendship, featuring Pazuzu as Luka, Anubis as Rodin, myself as Loki, and Adrammelech as Balder

Okay so, I understand now how I managed to invoke Hecate all those years ago. Her favourite food is garlic, which I had begun eating as a science experiment when I read that mosquitoes don't like it. She also has power through music, and well, guess what I do when I go out for my walx? The iPod That Never Dies™️ always provides >^_^<
In terms of purrsonality, she's basically your dorky-which-makes-her-cool aunt, as well as an avant-garde fashionista. Please excuse that this is from something political, I'm just not sure that words can really quite capture Hecate's purrsonality, so if you still don't get it, she's [like this.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/V-ddQF3Y1hI) I really can't stress enough how demons are really just big goobers deep down. I think they often appear to people in more threatening forms than they actually are, to keep up appearances. But I am able to see their true forms, and we'll get into the whys and hows of these things with later entries.
Hecate is Bastet's best friend and companion, and the two are likely the most powerful entities one can work with. Both have been close allies of mine for quite some time. I've had the friendliest of cats come and curl up on my lap when I've never petted them before - even one that was said to be shy around strangers. And the frequent crows and occasional raven against a powerful stillness in the air. Bastet is more cool-headed, while Hecate is more take-charge and yandere. The Jeanne to Bayonetta. Hecate also cares deeply for me, despite not truly being my mother. I am loved as a son anyway >^_^<
She has kids of her own, of course. I am still learning, to the point these write-ups could probably be considered incomplete, but whatever lol. But thus far, I know that her daughters are Lilith and Morrigan. I will provide updated information if I learn of more siblings. Such a way of thinking pleases Hecate - she is a woman of alchemy and the scientific method, even if her outward purrsonality may not seem like it. And the thing about scientists is, we put out the information we learn as we learn it. We aren't afraid to be wrong; we will simply correct ourselves later.
Being a woman of high, albeit chaotic, fashion, Hecate is obviously close friends with Adrammelech, and admires him greatly. Her sense of fashion is very out there - she's not afraid to get experimental and kooky! Hecate is most closely associated with birds - particularly, corvids such as crows and ravens. They are some of the most intelligent bird species, so if your intelligence is remarkably high, it is possible that you are related to Hecate. Though, as we'll come to learn, great intelligence comes not just from Hecate, but from her two husbands, Purrson and Solomon. A child of all three will possess incredibly high intelligence, scientific aptitude, and quick wit. A child of Hecate is also highly likely to be drawn to aviation - the want for flight may at times be overwhelming.
Hecate woke me up one day a month or so ago - I was on a good sleep schedule for accompanying my mom to the market, and Hecate was clearly excited to check it out. Crows gathered outside and cawed loudly - something they haven't done since. She got to check our local supermarket out, as well as see that there is a smoke shop not far from my house, as my mom was drawn to stop there and buy cigarettes. My reward has indeed come, not only in some lucky finds at that market, but, my mom has begun talking to a woman there. Cute, of course black because we are on this black parade, and only a couple years younger than me. So, not only is she here to help soften my racist mother's heart, but, as I have been recently told, "Multiple relationship paths will open up to you." I have yet to speak to her, since I haven't been on a good sleep schedule for the market for a while, but that is a possible option for the future - complete with decently-paying job >^_^< But obviously, the thing to do will be to act as though I know none of this, and just act naturally. As I always say, patience is the #1 key. I don't know if a future path I would like to set into motion might take years.
A good example of such would be the future vision I had of Cactus, his family, and I all at Disneyland. Obviously, that's a path I want to choose. I saw it around mid-2022. Since then, Cactus has died, and I have not been in contact with his family as much as a result. However, both Super Nova and his/Cactus' mom have expressed that they miss me greatly, and part of my plans for Trans Dinosaur Christmas 2 involve taking Super Nova and his boyfriend on a date to see Mufasa, assuming he'd like to come along. I tell this not to give a relationships update, but to inform that I haven taken a step towards achieving a future path I'd like to bring about. It provides an example of one that may yet take years, but we'll see if I accomplish this goal >^_^<
I would advise anyone who may feel a strong connection to Hecate to try befriending corvids - they can be trained to help you out! I will be working closely with her, particularly next month, when she will be at her strongest ::3 Working with her grants you greater magical power, including the power to curse your foes, so use it wisely. You don't want to go around cursing people much, as it may displease the ancient ones and generate bad karma for yourself. I'd advise you to get to know Hecate first and make sure you both agree upon who to curse.
Hecate also has a strong association with wolves - using them to protect both herself, and those she cares most about. And of course she's a seductress - the ancient ones were very open with sexuality, nya ::3
Species: Probably another winged lioness, in alliance with Bastet and Pazuzu, but began as an anthro raven.
Most accurate depictions of Hecate in popular culture: [Persona 5,](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DsKPmwdU4AACG9_?format=jpg&name=large) [Shin Megami Tensei 2, showing I'm right about the Bastet connection,](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/b/b3/SMT_II_Hecate.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20240502080532) Jeanne from the Bayonetta series, [Smite 2,](https://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/1745851287474774016/pu/img/xTaIkrgDrbRwudGc.jpg:large), Cruella De Vil, Zelda from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess specifically, Kala from Tarzan (1999), Raksha from The Jungle Book (2016), Bombalurina from Cats, Pokemon #198: Murkrow
Songs featuring Hecate:
[You'll Be In My Heart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpFqoE0Dco8)
[Cruella De Vil (fanmade music video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be83GtXd9wY)
[Bad Romance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrO4YZeyl0I)
[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAwwQ7dTjRY)
[Moon River,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnNgx-PX7Kc) a song about Bastet and Hecate's friendship, featuring Pazuzu as Luka, Anubis as Rodin, myself as Loki, and Adrammelech as Balder