Anonymous #98C3
Is it uncommon to start having different sexual fantasies after you start working out? Or is that pretty typical?
I've been working out a lot for over a month now,_*not_* to attract guys or girls (I'm pansexual), but for health and preparedness reasons. Usually I'm kinda switchy, but mostly leaning-on subby. However, lately I can't stop thinking about being politely dominant. Like, I have this fantasy of wining and dining a cute guy or girl and treating them really well, then making out, and then if they're cool with it just fucking the hell out of them. That last part is what seems especially unusual for me- completely and utterly fucking, like really deep and hard and for a long time, maybe grabbing them a bit or being a tad rough, and making them moan and scream and cum. It's a foreign concept to me, and yet now it's growing in my head and I want it.
Is that weird? It feels weird to me, but maybe that's just cause I haven't really ever been in shape in the first place. But that's what I would want to do now. I even briefly considered trying to find someone because the urge is... Unusual... But I get scared of actually having sex, cause I have PTSD from stuff so IDK. Lol, I'll be fine without sex for now.
So yeah, anywho. **Whistles like a janitor in the background.* *
I've been working out a lot for over a month now,
Is that weird? It feels weird to me, but maybe that's just cause I haven't really ever been in shape in the first place. But that's what I would want to do now. I even briefly considered trying to find someone because the urge is... Unusual... But I get scared of actually having sex, cause I have PTSD from stuff so IDK. Lol, I'll be fine without sex for now.
So yeah, anywho. **Whistles like a janitor in the background.*