Last night, I had an impression of being smothered by a black shadow that made weird guttural noises surrounded by dark shades of color in the background.
Night before that one, it was feeling overheated and seeing everything in thermal vision, like how those fancy cameras pick up heat signatures, except the heat waves kept fluctuating blue, orange, red and yellow in a sort of wave pattern.
A couple nights before that, I was swimming in a pool underwater and I kept coming up for air. I was holding a pool skimmer, one with a net, and a black, small snake-like leech-thing kept trying to cling to my inner thigh and crawl into a sensitive area, but I kept batting it away and kept trying to catch it with the net, but it kept swimming towards me and clinger to me every time I went underwater, all the while fast paced country music played, but I can’t recall what the song was. Unintelligible country song playing at two times the speed in the background.
Consuming something gross or running away seem to be very common in my dreams…
It is very common to have dreams where I have difficulty breathing and I then have to force my body to wake up to check up on myself, before going back to sleep with similar results.
Most nights nowadays are, however, I fall asleep for two to four and a half hours and wake up with no memory of any impressions or any sort of vision. Just a blink of black and I’m awake.
I rarely do lucidly dream, but if I start thinking I can, it will stop working and the nightmares will begin again…maybe they’re visions. When I do dream lucidly, however, it is quite pleasant and story-ridden. I don’t ever want to wake up from those ones.
Most of them I cannot recall…give or take.