Viewing last 25 versions of post by LP2Lily in topic Am I the only Babyfur?

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Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.

Lily Fathom

I like cubs but not diapers so.. kind of? lol [/bq]

I can understand that. I prefer my pacifier and my stuffed animals, but the diaper thing is not all that necessary for me. Makes the whole "solve my life problems," thing more difficult. Thats what I use my age regression for. Keeping a diary on all of it is central to how I keep track of my thoughts on life. Regardless of whether I am in little headspace or not writing is a very powerful tool in my life.  
If I never wrote anything down age regression would be kind of pointless. I normally don't talk about my urinary problems openly though. Mostly its a problem with my anxiety. It gets so bad sometimes that I cannot urinate at all. I only use diapers to help solve this problem behind closed doors.  
However, its like I said: I don't find them necessary all the time. I do feel sorry for those incontentenent. It must be difficult trying to explain it to people all the time.
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Edited by LP2Lily