Viewing last 25 versions of post by PixelPaws in topic New to Furbooru, happy to be here!

Artist -

Artist Bunny
A friend told me about this place, and recommended it for archiving my stuff. I Haven't quite found the platform to really put anything yet. [Twitter]( was my primary and only platform until this year (2022.) If you haven't noticed, Twitter isn't the best place for art. It's messy and hard to scroll forever if you want to see someone's gallery. I also tried to upload to [FA]( but the tagging system is very limited over there, and it's great to really meet others, but seems like everyone is on Twitter or Discord. Anyways, that should explain why I'm here!

*I am open for commissions too.*

I'm pretty *open* and friendly so don't be afraid to say hi, or even ask to play some games! I'm pretty active on Steam and my Switch. Granted not when I am working or doing art. Speaking of- Art is kinda my full time job right now. It's something fun for me, and I get to see others happy with what I do! Very rewarding!

Sorry in advance if I am not very **good** at tagging yet. I'm still learning!

[Commission info (NSFW)](
Reason: Commision info added
Edited by LightningBolt