Her information:
Full name: Sheila Emerald
Cutie Mark: a blue diamond heart
Sexual orientation: heterosexual
Single or taken: taken
Loves: Seb the pony (because they are a perfect love couple), food, drawing, hanging out with friends, Ponyville, Cloudsdale, love, friendship, cuddling, boops, big belly fetish, the internet, teen clothes, listening to music, festivals, malls, etc.
Dislikes: bullying, feeling lonely and depressed, pollution, gore, violence, vore, alcohol, beer, video game rage, etc.
Date of birth: November 8, 2000
Creation date: April 27, 2021
Favorite colors: Blue, white and black
(I could decrease the bright color of Sheila’s hair and eyes so it doesn’t hurt your eyes too much, but this is just to show you the novelty of this OC and so the bright color is my favorite color degree).