Some creature standing on a grass field close to a river.
I don’t exactly know why I drew this. It started with a single curve spanning over the whole page which I kept drawing over and over again, not knowing what to do. At some point I imagined a chest and soon I added a leg. Where does that creature stand? What is this creature? To be honest, probably a pony, not as if I would draw many different things. Nonetheless, it could be anything your imagination comes up with.
Then what could you even still perceive? That character blocks more than half of the view in this unusual perspective and yet that being is mostly “offscreen”. I didn’t think too much and kept drawing. A rare moment when I didn’t feel pressured by myself ruminating about not doing good enough. Eventually there came grass. A river, with a rock that splits the stream a little apart. Lastly I decorated the grass with my logo. Maybe I should have added more flowers? Welp, too late.
%(Please note that it becomes darker at the left because I drew this in a sketchbook and the page won’t lie flat on the scanner.)%