Lane Lanthanum (the purple hair boi)
Cerise Cerium (the girl with apron and mittens)
Precious Praseodymium (the green girl)
Nelda Neodymium (the red girl)
Priam Promethium (the winged boi)
Samson Samarium (the tall boi who holding a guitar)
Eugene Europium (the handsome boi with a beret in this head)
Gabby Gadolinium (girl with a winter suit)
Terrill Terbium (the orange peacock)
Dyan Dysprosium (the female dragon, yeah, the big one on the illustration)
Holland Holmium (the boi with brown hat and suspenders, due to his high magnetism, the materials attracted to them)
Erika Erbium (the blue peahen)
Timothy Thulium (the nice and green-haired boi)
Yonatan Ytterbium (the gray peacock)
Louise Lutetium (the dark-haired fairy)