Firearm/Weapons Thread

Poll results: Which side are you on?

I'll take em’ both
46.67% 7 votes
40.00% 6 votes
13.33% 2 votes

Poll ended with 15 votes.

Anonymous #AF58
Working on Christmas presents.
The spear’s about an inch longer than I wanted, but I found out I didn’t have a long enough drill bit.
I didn’t want to waste my time trying to cut another inch off the tent stake with a hacksaw after I had already cut and sharpened it. So it’s just really long. I kinda like it this way now once I got used to it. Lol.
All the spikes are longer on this one, but the wood is cut an inch and a half shorter, to maintain agility and ease of use. I’ve never had so much fun having someone throw plates at me.
Anonymous #AF58
Got one of these ordered today. The SAS Folding Recon Survival Bow :D
Gonna take it out to the local archery range and get out there and practice as soon as it comes in.
On Sale now.  
(Although, I don’t know how long it’s been “on sale” for. It’s been “limited edition” for 3 years since they ended up selling well and people liked it.)
I like deployability, durability, packability, and overall practicality, so I bought what I believe is the best long-term survival bow for the money. You have a responsibility to both the animal and yourself to get a kill shot, so I’m gonna sink enough time and money into this hobby that I’ll be skilled enough to do be accurate with this bow. Comes in 40, 45, 50, and 55 lb. draw weights. I’ll be starting with the 40 lb. limbs and ordering 50s once I’ve gotten good at 40.
They also make the tactical version of this bow, which is 3 inches shorter when packed at the sacrifice of slightly clunkier deployment, and they also make a more ergonomic, highly-accurate, modernized model called the Atmos. (At a premium.)

silly goober
i made a rubber band gun that is so powerful it can punch through plastic, dunno how to upload a video though so take my word for it, i still have it in my room. i made it from metal pipes, lego, and parts from nerf blasters and it works really well and looks really good :)
EDIT: it uses size 109 rubber bands with plastic spacers, it’s not as powerful at range but point blank it could actually bruise you, you can even hear the rubber band fly through the air and the rubber band gun actually recoiling from the rubber band
SECOND EDIT: nevermind about the photo i’m a bit scared ;-;

silly goober
i made a rubber band gun that is so powerful it can punch through plastic, dunno how to upload a video though so take my word for it, i still have it in my room. i made it from metal pipes, lego, and parts from nerf blasters and it works really well and looks really good :)
EDIT: it uses size 109 rubber bands with plastic spacers, it’s not as powerful at range but point blank it could actually bruise you, you can even hear the rubber band fly through the air and the rubber band gun actually recoiling from the rubber band
i linked an imgur photo but i just got a thing where it needs mod approval, what’d i do wrong?
EDIT: nevermind about me posting a photo i’m a bit scared now

Meow :3
Oh! You did absolutely nothing wrong. I wondered why I kept needing approval for images when I was new here too. After a while, I didn’t need that anymore, so I’m assuming the mods just want to make sure people aren’t spammers before they give instant approval. You can post your image, it’ll take some hours to show up but eventually it will. Nothing to be scared of :3 I had completely forgotten that was the case when I joined this site, haha.
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