Jul 11, 2005
I had alot of fun making this. =p though just the llama picture itself looks better without the background.
yeah, yesterday I decided to doodle, and ended up making a blue llama with wings and spectacles, and then over the course of that time made it into a fursona. wheee. because llamas are hot with spectacles. ;D
but yeah, I know the pose sucks, I’ve tried drawing it for YEARS with canines and failed, but this time it wasn’t too bad so I kept it, I need to learn to get it right anyways. and I know the feet are weird, rofl, but I’ve still got trouble drawing llamas, aside from the head, which is what I’ve practiced on most, because I drew a llama for my friend’s birthday card back in february and she said it looked like a long-nosed bunny, hehe.