Mlp ponies as Argentine Provinces
CABA: Filthy Rich because the rich live there.
Catamarca, Entre Ríos and Buenos Aires: random ponies because I didn’t know what to put there.
Chaco: Flim because it’s one of the provinces with the most corruption.
Chubut: Terramar, because of the the coast.
Córdoba, San Luis and San Juan: Apple family in the countryside.
Corrientes y Misiones: Kirins for its rich fauna.
Formosa: Sugar Belle from the village because it’s where people live worst.
Jujuy: Discord for being similar to the creatures of the carnival.
La Pampa: Ocellus because she looks like an alien.
La Rioja: Young Major Mare, for having characteristics of Menem.
Mendoza: Berry Punch for the wine.
Neuquén: Gilda, for being an isolated province like the land of the griffins.
Rio Negro: Sweetie Belle for field trips.
Salta: Zecora for witchcraft.
Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego: Twilight with winter clothes and Aurora because it’s cold.
Santa Fe: Communist Starlight for being the province where Che Guevara was born.
Santiago del Estero: Scootaloo taking a nap.
Tucumán: Trixie for being a celebrity.