
Public Relations
Luna's Pet Woof
We’re pleased to announce the acquisition of Furbooru by the one and only Even Worse Kobold!
Even Worse Kobold has exclusive partnerships with Vietnam’s finest silicone manufactures to bring dreams to life. EWK is also investing in increasing the scale of Furbooru, this partnership will bring the hosting of the site to the very best servers Romania has to offer.
EWK provides a never seen before ultimate collection of silicone products to all furry tastes imaginable, Starting with unique handcrafted silicon Paws as our first offering!
Have you ever dreamed of having the most comfortable, soft and enjoyable silicone Vietnam has to offer rubbing against your face? Wait no more since we got you covered in 6 distinct colours at that! Rush now to our store to be the first lucky furry to complete your collection!
Remember, there is no wrong way to fantasize, so go ham! Enjoy the best technology can offer, enjoy an Even Worse Kobold paw to your face!
Stay tuned for much more, upcoming news and exciting products coming along in the following days!
Faithfully yours, with great enthusiasm:
Furbooru & Even Worse Kobold team!