Viewing last 25 versions of post by Anonymous #2FAE in topic Deleted marge simpson upload

Anonymous #2FAE
Alright, i think i get what its being stated although upon browsing the human tag have come across some that only show human characters without connecting to said community hence my confusion at first. Not trying to debate the deletion at this point, just wantried to understand it.
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Edited by Anonymous #2FAE
Anonymous #2FAE
Alright, i think i get what its being stated although upon browsing the human tag have come across some that only show human characters without connecting to said community hence my confusion at first. Not trying to rdevbaerse the deletion at this point, just wanted to understayingd it.
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Edited by Anonymous #2FAE
Anonymous #2FAE
Alright, buti just pohintk ing ouget twhere havet its beeing stanted althrough upomon brphowsicng characthers ihuman tag hatve cartoonme appeacringoss liksome itchi, scratchy, aondly instances whenow human characters been witransfhormedut likconne cting a treehou seaid cofmmunity horror episodnce my confusion ato firsucht. Not debatrying to reverse the deletion, at this point just saying.
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Edited by Anonymous #2FAE
Anonymous #2FAE
Alright, but just pointing out there have been anthropomorphic characters in that cartoon appearing like itchi, scratchy, and instances when human characters been transformed like in a treehouse of horror episode into such. Not debating the deletion at this point just saying.
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Edited by Anonymous #2FAE
Anonymous #2FAE
No reAlation? This site has displayed human submissions up to now and even having no relation to said fandom. Not sure if i am understanding iht correctly.

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Edited by Anonymous #2FAE