There’s nothing anyone can throw at me that’s going to stop me from being who I am
If you want to live in a world where people have to be armed for war at all times, then arm for war at all times and your life will be filled with ever escalating violence. And if you want to live in a world where that is not necessary, then don’t arm yourself for war at all times. Your life may still be filled with violence but you at least will not be escalating it.
If you are not safe where you are, go somewhere else. We live in a time of extraordinary mobility. Even a homeless person can cross most countries by hopping rides or getting help from a friend. When I was homeless was one of the most liberating and freeing times of my life. It’s often that the more we have, the more stuck we are, and if you have nothing to lose, then let go of what is keeping you trapped where you are, and go find something you want instead. And while going to another place may not make things better, if you feel you have to fill a grocery cart with weapons to be safe where you are then where you are is not good.
Just remember that where ever you go, you bring yourself with. And if being yourself does not normally involve being armed and armored, then by armoring yourself up you are already changing in response to the behaviors of others.
PS: Cops in the USA tend to go for the ones wearing gas masks first. One of their jobs is to identify people who may be more prone to act radically, and when they see someone wearing a gasmask they know that person is prepared for a confrontation and they are usually the first selected in a snatch and grab. If you’re not in the US, then know that in some countries wearing one is considered “passive armament” and wearing one means you are not peacefully demonstrating but are acting against the “Peace Of The Land”. So, if your intention is to make trouble, then wearing one of those paints a biggest red flag on you saying “Take out this one first”. Keeping it in a backpack until you absolutely need it is always the best option.