I have been gaslighted, neglected, and lied to so many times by the mental health industry and I’m not alone. I’m lucky I can even articulate my grievances, but welcome to Asperger’s I guess. I’m just so incredibly disgusted by it. It makes me sick even thinking about it. The sheer ridiculousness of so much of it. We pour millions of dollars into facilities in this country where people go to sit on the couch and watch TV surrounded by criminals, the mentally handicapped, and people with vastly different mental health problems all under one roof screaming and causing problems. We give them less treatment and care than they get on the outside and let them rot in there, and then when they get out we expect them to magically be better somehow instead of worse. It’s a complete farce. It’s an insult to collective intelligence. It’s utter nonsense. It’s disgusting, and yet our nation’s voters, our parents, our psychiatrist and therapists and other mental health professionals are complicit in it. We’re all complicit in it for letting this continue like this and saying “this is normal. This is just the way it is.” It’s absolutely disgusting the way that we treat people in this country. It’s maddening and no, I’m not violent and I’m not gonna go do somethimg crazy, but I can understand the thought process of people with no hope who go on shooting sprees and shoot up schools and doctors offices and the institutions which are rightfully symbols of suffering and utter negligence in this country. At the end of the day, no, I don’t agree with it, but I can understand why people feel that way and you should too.
This is what happens when you treat people like dollar signs.